Touching God's Whole World from the NH Seacoast
Mondays from January 21 to May 20 (6-9pm)
What is the Perspectives Course?
-- Perspectives is a 15-week course designed around 4 vantage points or "perspectives": Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic.
-- Each one highlights different aspects of God's global purpose. The Biblical and Historical sections reveal why our confidence is based on the historic fact of God's relentless work from the dawn of history until this day.
-- The Cultural and Strategic sections underscore that we are in the midst of a costly, but very "do-able" task, confirming the Biblical and Historical hope.
Spring 2019 Class Information (Hampton Falls, NH)
-- 15 weeks with 15 different dynamic & diverse speakers
-- Monday evenings, 6:00 - 9:00pm
-- January 21 to May 20, 2019 (no class on Feb. 25 and April 22)
- First class on January 21 is free for those wishing to check it out!
-- Hosted at Hampton Falls First Baptist Church (Hampton Falls, NH)
-- Multi-Level Options available include: - Key Reading (similar to audit),
- Certificate (more mentoring & feedback, at same price as Key Reading),
- Undergraduate & Graduate Credit (available through Trinity International University)
- High School Students, including Home School (undergraduate credit available through Excelsior College/NCCRS)
- ACSI Continuing Education Units (7 CEUs - 3 Bible & 4 Education)
-- Register Online. -- Cost is $280 for Key Reading and Certificate, and $600 for Credit.