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Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
@ New Hope Free Methodist Church January 21st, 2019 - May 13th, 2019 Monday Evenings; 6:00 pm - 9:00pm
Register for the class using the buttons to the right
What is Perspectives?
Perspectives is a 15 week life and learning opportunity that will change the way you view the world around you. In it, you will have your eyes opened to the heart and purpose of God, and how you can take part in His work all over the world, from the urban streets of America to the rain forest and deserts of distant lands. 15 Weeks. 15 Instructors. One Epic Story.
An array of pastors, theologians, international missiologists and mobilizers will challenge and inspire you with their personal experiences that will open your eyes to see just how big God is, and how much He desires that all might come to know Him. In the course - scripture, history, culture and strategy converge to reveal the unfolding of God's kingdom movement and redemptive purposes.
Click through the lessons below to learn about the content and our instructors. Whether you are single, married, a student, a parent-at-home, working or retired, Perspectives will bless and challenge your life and direction. God is on a mission to bless the peoples of the earth, and you're invited to join him. In the words of Floyd McClung, International Director of All Nations Training Center:
"Take Perspectives - It'll ruin you for the ordinary!"
(click here)
Is this course only for those interested in missions?
Absolutely not! This is a course for the Church. The goal is to bring our individual lives into a closer alignment with God's purpose. To join God in His story. If you want to grow and be challenged—want more vision, direction and eternal impact to come from your life.
Take the course at a level that best suits you:
Key Reading Level: Attend class, read key articles each week, and complete five personal responses (reflections on what you are learning) throughout the semester. $290 fee includes books
Certificate Level: Attend class, 2-3 hours of reading per week, homework questions, five personal responses (reflections on what you are learning), and a final project. This level is required by several mission sending agencies, committees, etc. for candidacy, and is required if someone wants to coordinate a Perspectives class in the future. $290 fee includes books
Credit Level: Earn 3 undergraduate credits for roughly 3-5 hours of reading per week, class participation, homework questions, a mid-term exam, and a final paper. Graduate Level: 3 credits are also available through Trinity International University. For fees, see registration link Alumni: Perspectives alumni are encouraged to attend the classes. Fee charged only if you are planning on increasing your program level, free otherwise. For fees, see registration link Discounts Available: see registration link

You were MADE FOR MORE!Use what's in you to bless the world around you!
Class Info
Date: Monday, January 21, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: New Hope Free Methodist Church 62 Union Street Rochester NY 14607
Contact: Les Moore
Registration & Orientation
Course History, Overview & Navigating the Classes
Registration & Orientation
Gary Kneezel
Webster NY
Gary Kneezel has served in various leadership positions in the local church for 40 years, including serving as an elder, a teacher, and a missions team member. Gary has been a member or leader of 11 short term missions trips. For the past 15 years he has been active in a partnership to reach an unreached people group in West Africa.
Date: Monday, January 21, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 1
The Living God is a Missionary God
God's purpose is three-fold: against evil—kingdom victory; for the nations—redemption and blessing; and for God—global glory in worship. God's purpose revealed in promise to Abraham. Exploring God's purpose for the nations: Blessing to the nations described.
Dave Shive
Frontier Ventures (formerly US Center for World Mission), Catonsville MD
Dave Shive is a 1968 graduate of the Washington Bible College, a 1972 graduate of Capital Bible Seminary with a Th.M. in New Testament Studies, and a 1994 graduate of Baltimore Hebrew University with an M.A. in Biblical Literature. Dave has spent the past 47 years in full time ministry as a pastor, Christian school director, and college professor. He currently serves with Frontier Ventures (formerly the US Center for World Mission) as a missions mobilizer for the northeast region of the United States. Dave lives in Catonsville, MD, with Kathy, his wife of 52 years. Dave and Kathy have three married children, Dan, Mike, and Becky. They are also the proud grandparents of 9 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, January 28, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 2
The Story of His Glory
Exploring God's purpose for Himself: How God has been steadily unfolding a plan throughout all nations and generations to bring about His greater glory, ultimately drawing to Himself the worship of all the peoples. Passion and prayer for God's glory.
Shirley Innis
International Students, Inc., Stillwater OK
Shirley grew up in a Christian home and at the age of 12 dedicated her life for missionary service. After graduating from Cairn University (Philadelphia College of Bible). She and her husband served as directors with Word of Life Ministries in Ecuador for 17 years and have 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. She has recently been certified to teach Dog and Cat Theology material for lessons 1 and 2 and share lesson 2 with her husband. She is on full-time staff with International Students, Inc. as a City Director. She teaches in English or Spanish.
Class Info
Date: Monday, February 4, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 3
Your Kingdom Come
Exploring God's purpose regarding evil: How God has accomplished a defeat of evil powers in order to open a season of history in which the nations can freely follow Christ. The kingdom of God as the destiny of all history. Christ's mission seeks a hindering of evil to bring about a sign of the coming peace of the kingdom of God. Our prayers contend with evil in order to bring about the transformation of society with Christ's kingdom in view.
Lyn Newbrander
International Students, Inc., Philadelphia PA
Lyn has 25 years of overseas missions experience in Japan, The Netherlands, and Germany. Since 2013, she and her husband Tim have worked with international students from all over the world. Lyn's role is primarily at the University of Pennsylvania where she is a chaplain's associate. Over 70 nations have been represented in the Newbrander's home in Philadelphia. Lyn and Tim open their home and their hearts wide to students, many of whom consider them their family away from home. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, February 11, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 4
Mandate for the Nations
Jesus shows great strategic interest in Gentiles; wise strategic focus by initiating a global mission on a few disciples among the Hebrew people. The Great Commission and the ways of God's sending in relational power. Dealing with the ideas of pluralism (all religions the same) and universalism (all persons saved).
Gary Kneezel
Webster NY
Gary Kneezel has served in various leadership positions in the local church for 40 years, including serving as an elder, a teacher, and a missions team member. Gary has been a member or leader of 11 short term missions trips. For the past 15 years he has been active in a partnership to reach an unreached people group in West Africa. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, February 18, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 5
Unleashing the Gospel
The first followers of Jesus: obedient in costly, foundational ways. The climactic act of the book of Acts is the freeing of the gospel to be followed by Gentiles without Jewish traditions as a requirement. A foundational act of God which speaks to the situations where the gospel is hindered today. Strategic suffering and apostolic passion.
Fernando DeCarvalho
Atlanta GA
Fernando was born in Brazil. He came to the United States as a teenager to pursue the American dream. He faced many trials including homelessness. He became a businessman and in that journey was radically changed by Jesus Christ. Today he is the Executive Director for SOS, a christian mission movement reaching people with the Gospel in Africa and unreached peoples in Asia. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, February 25, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 6
The Expansion of the Christian Movement
The story of God's purpose continues relentlessly from Abraham's day until the present moment. An overview of the largest and the longest-running movement ever in history—the world Christian movement. How the gospel surged through the peoples and places of the world. Important insights for our own day.
Doug Jackson
Rochester NY
Doug Jackson has served in missions for over 20 years including teaching theology in Sweden, serving as Pastor for immigrants and refugees in Uppsala, Sweden and ministering to graduate faculty at USA Universities through InterVarsity. He has a Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary as well as Ph.D studies in Norway. Doug is active in short term missions focusing on leadership development in Eastern European countries, and West Africa. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, March 4, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 7
Eras of Mission History
The greatest explosion of growth ever has taken place in last 200 years in three "bursts" of activity. Why we could be in the final era of missions. The global harvest force comprised increasingly of non-Western missionaries.
Andrew Knisely
Eastern PA District of C&MA Mission's Mobilzation Task Force, Elysburg PA
Andrew Knisely is the Pastor of Elysburg Alliance Church and an Adjunct Professor at Crown College. His family served as missionaries in France from 2001-2005, and he helped Glenview Alliance to form a partnership with the Alliance Church in Burkina Faso, West Africa. He is a former member of the District Mission's Mobilization Task Force for Eastern PA District of the C&MA. He earned his Ed.D. in Adult Learning from Penn State in 2011, and holds masters in Education from Shippensburg University and Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary. He has been married to Diane since 1992, and they have two children. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 8
Pioneers of the World Christian Movement
Today we anchor the race by continuing what others have begun. It's a day of finishing. All the more reason to learn the wisdom and the heart of ordinary people who did extraordinary things in earlier generations. Reading the writings of William Carey and other leaders to discern what these people have left to us. Exploring the contribution of women in missions throughout the centuries.
Godwin Manuel
Amherst NY
Class Info
Date: Monday, March 18, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 9
The Task Remaining
God's pressed His purpose forward until the present hour of amazing opportunity. Understanding the concept of "unreached peoples" to assess the remaining task. Recognizing the imbalance of mission resources shapes strategic priorities. The basic minimal missiological achievement in every people group opens the way for working with God against every kind of evil so that the gospel of the kingdom is declared and displayed with clarity and power. The need and opportunity of urban mission.
John Pitterle
Advocates for the Unreached; Volunteer with Cafe 1040, State College PA
John is a Penn State grad and currently works at Penn State. John's family spent several months in South Africa and Namibia with YWAM. With the Assemblies of God, his family lived in Madagascar for four years as the Lord used them to help bring the story of Jesus (Book of Hope) to children and then to help start the first Malagasy study Bible. John has been on short-term trips to Ukraine (with YWAM), India (with Global Awakening), and Zambia twice (with Dynamis World Ministries). He is an author ( and shares regarding the urgency to prioritize the unreached (
Class Info
Date: Monday, March 25, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 10
How Shall They Hear?
Culture and intercultural communication of the gospel. Communicating the gospel with relevance at the worldview level helps avoid syncretism (blending of cultural error with God?s truth) and also enables powerful movements of the gospel. Sensitive missionaries will look for ways that God has preserved or prepared people to hear the gospel, often finding redemptive analogies for God's truth.
Steve Sanford
Ethnos360, Sanford FL
My wife Sharon and I served as Church Planters with Ethnos360 from 1993 to 2005 among the Joti people of Venezuela. We returned to the U.S. in 2006 after Ethnos360 was forced to leave all church planting works by the Venezuelan government. We have been serving in mobilization for Ethnos360 in Pennsylvania since our return. In November 2023 we will be moving to our home office in Sanford, FL to assume the role of Ethnos360 CEO. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, April 1, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 11
Building Bridges of Love
The incarnation as a model of missionary humility. How missionaries can enter appropriate roles in order to form relationships of trust and respect to develop a sense of belonging, and thus to communicate with credibility for understanding. Explore the intricacy of identification in another culture. Explore the even greater complexity of presenting identity with integrity in a globalized, terrorized, pluralized world. Recognizing the dynamics of social structure in order to initiate growing movements of ongoing communication throughout the society.
Susan Patt
Frontier Ventures, Exton PA
Sue Patt has worked as a mobilizer for more than 40 years (since 1982) with Frontier Ventures, formerly the US Center for World Mission. She has served as a Perspectives Regional Director (13 years) and as the Perspectives National Program Director (7 years). Her current assignment is Chief Strategy Officer with FV. She has been developing deliberate friendships with Muslims since 1980, and Hindus since 2005. She is married to Fran Patt since 1986. They have 3 adult children and live in Exton, PA in the Philadelphia suburbs. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, April 8, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 12
Christian Community Development
A survey of world need. Dynamic balance of evangelism and social action. Hope for significant transformation as a sign of Christ's Lordship by Christian community development. Exploring the charge that missionaries destroy instead of serve cultures. Healing the wounds of the world between the peoples.
Ryan Keith
Family Foundation, Newnan GA
Ryan and his wife, Katie, live outside Atlanta, GA with their three young children. He currently serves as a Strategy Director for a new family foundation, with a heart for making disciples around the world. Ryan's focus is on alleviating the risks to children. Previously, he was Community Engagement Pastor at West Shore Free Church in Mechanicsburg, PA, USA. He is also the founder and past President of Forgotten Voices, which he led for 12 years before transitioning to the church. Forgotten Voices is innovating orphan care through local churches in Africa. Ryan is a Praxis Labs Fellow, committed to building Gospel-centered organizations. He earned his Masters in Public Policy from Harvard University's Kennedy School, where he was also a Pforzheimer Fellow in the Hauser Center. Ryan is also a proud Falcon, graduating from Messiah University with a BA in Politics. Follow Ryan on Twitter: @ryanmkeith. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, April 15, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 13
The Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches
Look beyond institutional features of churches to understand churches as dynamic movements of Christ Himself being followed. Such a view of churches as organic, living things opens up the practicality of seeing them multiply rapidly as movements and also flourish in society bearing the fruit of social transformation. Churches as counter-communities, acting as salt and light, bringing change to their cultures. How movements multiply by connecting with entire families and larger social structures.
Immerse International, Millersville PA
Ed and his wife Joan lived in Indonesia for 14 years prior to returning to the USA. He has coached CP teams in Indonesia, Malaysia, and India, and has trained dozens who now live abroad. Involved in several start up businesses in the USA and currently serves as Executive Director of Immerse International, a living learning community in Lancaster, PA. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, April 22, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 14
Pioneer Church Planting
The hope of planting churches among unreached peoples. How the breakthrough of the gospel in an unreached people requires that the gospel be "de-Westernized". The difference of contextualizing the message, the messenger and the movement. Distinguish and appreciate people movements, church planting movements and insider movements.
Chris Clayman
Global Gates, Bronx NY
Chris Clayman is the Co-Founder and an Associate Director of Global Gates (, a mission organization focused on reaching the ends of the earth through global gateway cities. He has been involved in pioneer mission work in urban and rural West Africa and New York City among unreached Muslim peoples. Chris is also the author of Superplan: a journey into God’s story ( and ethNYcity: The Nations, Tongues, and Faiths of Metropolitan New York ( He has initiated and helped develop numerous mobilization and outreach efforts focused on unreached peoples, including Heart for Muslims (, Welcome Africans (, and UPG North America ( Chris lives with his wife Nichole and three children in New York City. b
Class Info
Date: Monday, April 29, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Lesson 15
World Christian Discipleship
What it means to integrate life for Christ's global purpose as a "'World Christian". Into the great story for His glory: a Person-driven life as a way of. pursuing a purpose-driven life. The basic practices of world Christians: going, sending, welcoming and mobilizing. The essential disciplines of World Christian discipleship: community, giving, praying and learning. Simplifying your lifestyle as if in "war-time". Exploring the practical ways of pursuing God's purpose. Business and mission. Short-term mission. Welcoming international visitors. Wisdom in working with local churches and in partnership with Christians in different parts of the world.
Richard Mendola
International Friendships, Upper Arlington OH
Rich was born in Buffalo, NY, the grandson of immigrants from Italy who settled in Western, NY. His mother and father were both raised in the Italian section of the city. Although he was raised in a religious family who attended church, he did not personally know Christ until he was 17 years old. Prior to that, the death of his father at age 13 triggered a search for meaning and truth. This eventually led to studying the Bible, where he discovered that the true purpose of life was to worship and serve God. Through reading the New Testament he learned that Jesus Christ made it possible to come to God because of His sacrificial death for sins. Immediately upon coming to know Jesus, Rich had the strong desire to let others know the good news.
Rich attended Colgate University in New York State where he majored in Biology and minored in Education and Philosophy and Religion. After his graduation, he had the first opportunity to pastor and was called to serve a rural congregation . At the same time he served on the Dean’s staff at Colgate University as the Director of Housing. In addition, he studied for a Master’s degree in counseling.
In 1979 Rich and Janet attended.the Urbana Mission Conference. There Rich sensed a call to full time cross-cultural ministry. In 1980 he began to work full-time with international students in Buffalo, NY. At the same time, Janet attended medical school at SUNY Buffalo. In 1987 they moved to Athens, Ohio to open a new ministry to international students while Janet fulfilled her obligation to the National Health Service Corp – a program placing physicians in shortage areas.
In 1991, Rich and Janet moved to Columbus, Ohio to work with International Friendships.
Since 1998 he has served as the Executive Director. He also leads Bible studies and does 1-1 discipleship with students. He has written several Bible studies for internationals. He has served as the Chairperson for the Association of Christians Ministering to Internationals. Rich has also helped to plant two churches. He currently serves as lead pastor for All Nations Christian Fellowship.
During Rich’s 29 years of service among internationals hundreds have come to know Jesus and many have returned as effective witnesses of Jesus among their own people. The kingdom of God is advancing among Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheists because of the ministry to internationals. Jesus can share many wonderful and dramatic stories of God’s work among internationals.
Rich is a regular speaker at missions conferences, evangelistic outreaches, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement and is a lecturer at Vineyard Leadership Institute.
Rich and Janet have 6 children: Grace, Danielle, Hope, Philip, Melody, and Paul.
Rich’s interests are: Evangelism, Discipleship, trips, chess, and hats.
Rich’s spiritual gifts are leadership, exhortation, and evangelism.
Class Info
Date: Monday, May 6, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
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