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Columbus, OH S19    Spring 2019
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God made you for more than you can imagine! Every Christian has a significant role in God's great global purpose. This isn't primarily a matter of what you do or what path to take, but what compels you in your life.  Perspectives TM  is a journey that will allow you to lay hold of a vision for God's grand purpose and the important role that you have in it. 

Why PerspectivesTM ?
Perspectives TM  helps believers from all walks of life embrace God's global purpose and get involved in God's great drama of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue and nation for Himself. From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus Christ to the early church, and the church age to the present, you will see how God has been working, how the global church has responded, and what work remains before Christ returns. This is not just a class about missions, but a course on how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using His people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.

What is PerspectivesTM ?
Perspectives TM  is a fifteen week course designed around four vantage points - Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic. Each of these perspectives highlights different aspects of God's global purpose. The Biblical and Historical sections reveal the historic fact of God's relentless work from the dawn of history until the present day. The Cultural and Strategic sections underscore that we are in the midst of a costly, but very "do-able" task, confirming the Biblical and Historical hope. 

Who is PerspectivesTM  for?
The short answer is: anyone who wants a closer walk with the Lord and who is serious about gaining a deeper understanding of His ultimate purpose in the world. It's for anyone who would like to learn how to invest their lives in strategic ways to see God glorified and would like to see their service infused with greater purpose. If this describes you, no matter what your age or background, Perspectives TM is for you!  

We offer a Early bird discount, Family discount, Book discount, and scholarships! Please contact the coordinator for details!

Class Participation Options
Key Reading Level
If your time is limited, but you are ready to learn.
  • Attend 15 classes
  • 1-2 hours of reading each week
  • 5 written assignments (Personal Reflections) over the course of the semester
Certificate Level
If you are ready to be stretched with reading and written assignments.
  • Attend 15 classes
  • 2-3 hours of reading each week
  • 15 weekly Lesson Reviews
  • 5 Personal Reflections over the course of the semester
  • Final written project (5 pages)
  • Able to switch to Key Reading level at any time
Credit Level (Undergraduate or Graduate)
If you are working on a degree, or just love exams.
  • Attend 15 classes
  • 3-5 hours of reading each week
  • 15 weekly Lesson Reviews
  • Mid-term and Final Exams
  • Final written project (10-15 pages)
  • Receive 3 credits from Trinity International University
First Night Free
 If you are curious, but not ready to make a commitment.
  • Attend the first two classes to see if Perspectives is a good fit
  • Convert your registration to one of the other options if you decide to continue

Class Info

Date: Saturday, January 5, 2019

Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Location: Youth for Christ City Life Center 40 Chicago Ave Columbus OH 43222

Contact: Mike Krajnak

(614) 314-3692

    • Registration & Orientation

      Orientation Open House Drop in anytime to pick up your books and get oriented to how the course will run.

      Registration & Orientation

    • Instructor

    • Date: Saturday, January 5, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 1

      The Living God is a Missionary God

      God's purpose is three-fold: against evil—kingdom victory; for the nations—redemption and blessing; and for God—global glory in worship. God's purpose revealed in promise to Abraham. Exploring God's purpose for the nations: Blessing to the nations described.

    • Instructor

      Brian Hogan

      Disciple Making Mentors, Fayetteville AR

      Brian and Louise Hogan have served in mission since 1987. From the Navajo Tribe to Outer Mongolia, their passion has been to see Jesus glorified and lifted up among those who have never known Him. From 1993-1996 their team pioneered a church planting movement in Erdenet (AIR-DUH-NET), Mongolia that continues to grow under fully indigenous leadership to this day. Their Mongolian disciples are now training and sending out their own missionaries to other unreached people groups. The story of the work in Erdenet can be read in Brian’s book: There’s a Sheep in my Bathtub (Asteroidea Books), and in the case study article – “Distant Thunder: Mongols Follow the Khan of Khans” – on page 695 of your Perspectives Reader.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, January 12, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 2

      The Story of His Glory

      Exploring God's purpose for Himself: How God has been steadily unfolding a plan throughout all nations and generations to bring about His greater glory, ultimately drawing to Himself the worship of all the peoples. Passion and prayer for God's glory.

    • Instructor

      Matthew Chittum

      Hilliard OH

      Matt hails from Columbus, Ohio, where he spent his high school years and has since resided upon graduating from Liberty University in 2001. A wearer of many “hats,” Matt serves as a pastor, leadership coach, and professor of “Global Studies” and "Intercultural Communication" for Liberty University Online. A truly relational person, Matt brings 25 years of hands on cross cultural experience to each discussion and a true enthusiasm for helping others reach their potential.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, January 19, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 3

      Your Kingdom Come

      Exploring God's purpose regarding evil: How God has accomplished a defeat of evil powers in order to open a season of history in which the nations can freely follow Christ. The kingdom of God as the destiny of all history. Christ's mission seeks a hindering of evil to bring about a sign of the coming peace of the kingdom of God. Our prayers contend with evil in order to bring about the transformation of society with Christ's kingdom in view.

    • Instructor

      Pavi Thomas

      Westerville OH

      Lead Pastor, Heritage Christian Church Pavi grew up in India, came to the US as an international student and obtained a PhD from The Ohio State University. He also serves as the Executive Director of The Bridge Community Center which is a volunteer service organization focused on the refugee population on the West side of Columbus. Pavi loves discovering how the gospel of Jesus is being incarnated in new and creative ways while remaining deeply true to the faithful past. He finds the biblical text endlessly generative and formative, and considers jazz a fascinating model for interpretation and incarnation.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, January 26, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 4

      Mandate for the Nations

      Jesus shows great strategic interest in Gentiles; wise strategic focus by initiating a global mission on a few disciples among the Hebrew people. The Great Commission and the ways of God's sending in relational power. Dealing with the ideas of pluralism (all religions the same) and universalism (all persons saved).

    • Instructor

      Samya Johnson

      Call of Love Ministries , Cincinnati OH

      Samya was born into a Christian family in Beirut, Lebanon. She accepted Christ at age six. Samya lived in three Middle Eastern countries serving among Muslims before coming to the US with her family in 1999. She and her husband Mike founded Call of Love Ministries in 2001. She hosts English TV and radio programs. She continues to author publications and teach seminars that equip believers to reach Muslims. Samya’s 25+ years of Islamic research, writing, teaching, and working among Muslims bring a fresh and enthusiastic outlook about evangelism to Muslims. Samya resides with her family in Ohio. | | 832-220-4040


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, February 2, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 5

      Unleashing the Gospel

      The first followers of Jesus: obedient in costly, foundational ways. The climactic act of the book of Acts is the freeing of the gospel to be followed by Gentiles without Jewish traditions as a requirement. A foundational act of God which speaks to the situations where the gospel is hindered today. Strategic suffering and apostolic passion.

    • Instructor

      David Mann

      Upper Arlington Lutheran Church, Columbus OH

      Dave Mann has been Pastor for Mission and Internationals at Upper Arlington Lutheran Church in Columbus, Ohio since March 2015. With his wife Pam, he has served for more than 20 years in Cameroon, Haiti, and Morocco. Having worked in multiple languages, they enjoy helping other internationals improve their ability in English. Pam and Dave have four adult children and five grandchildren.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, February 9, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 6

      The Expansion of the Christian Movement

      The story of God's purpose continues relentlessly from Abraham's day until the present moment. An overview of the largest and the longest-running movement ever in history—the world Christian movement. How the gospel surged through the peoples and places of the world. Important insights for our own day.

    • Instructor

      Elizabeth Himsworth

      Columbus OH

      Beth, her husband James and young children lived in the Northern Brazilian Amazon region for 6 years. Her focus was on meeting the felt need of people in indigenous villages – medical and dental clinics – and Bible study and training for discipleship. Another dozen years were spent in Southern Brazil and International ministry focused on leadership development and discipleship with World Team. In 1995, she started a discipleship network – writing a four-year training curriculum and raising up a dozen national workers. This network continues today in its fourth generation of training groups. Among other projects, Beth developed a 2 weekend Seminar to train pastors how to develop their own adult education for their churches and ministries. Her current focus is on personal discipleship in the local church context and teaching parenting classes to equip young parents in the discipleship of their children.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 7

      Eras of Mission History

      The greatest explosion of growth ever has taken place in last 200 years in three "bursts" of activity. Why we could be in the final era of missions. The global harvest force comprised increasingly of non-Western missionaries.

    • Instructor

      Estera Pirosca Escobar

      Culture Bound, Mt Juliet TN

      As a former international student from Romania, with a career in international student ministry (ISM) spanning over 15 years, Estera brings contagious enthusiasm and passion to everything she does. Estera is a gifted writer and speaker, a sought-after Perspectives instructor and is also involved in various cross-cultural training projects. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Education in Intercultural Education from Western Seminary. Estera is married to Francisco, a global nomad originally from Chile, and they have a beautiful daughter, Esmeralda. They live in Nashville, Tennessee.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, February 23, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 8

      Pioneers of the World Christian Movement

      Today we anchor the race by continuing what others have begun. It's a day of finishing. All the more reason to learn the wisdom and the heart of ordinary people who did extraordinary things in earlier generations. Reading the writings of William Carey and other leaders to discern what these people have left to us. Exploring the contribution of women in missions throughout the centuries.

    • Instructor

      Estera Pirosca Escobar

      Culture Bound, Mt Juliet TN

      As a former international student from Romania, with a career in international student ministry (ISM) spanning over 15 years, Estera brings contagious enthusiasm and passion to everything she does. Estera is a gifted writer and speaker, a sought-after Perspectives instructor and is also involved in various cross-cultural training projects. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Education in Intercultural Education from Western Seminary. Estera is married to Francisco, a global nomad originally from Chile, and they have a beautiful daughter, Esmeralda. They live in Nashville, Tennessee.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, February 23, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 9

      The Task Remaining

      God's pressed His purpose forward until the present hour of amazing opportunity. Understanding the concept of "unreached peoples" to assess the remaining task. Recognizing the imbalance of mission resources shapes strategic priorities. The basic minimal missiological achievement in every people group opens the way for working with God against every kind of evil so that the gospel of the kingdom is declared and displayed with clarity and power. The need and opportunity of urban mission.

    • Instructor

      Andrew Workman

      Frontiers, Columbus OH

      Andrew Workman, from Columbus, Ohio, attended The Ohio State University and in 2006 obtained a Masters Degree. After receiving a calling from the Lord, in 1993 Andrew and Martha Workman moved overseas to share the love of God. In 2011, they moved back to Ohio with their two daughters to continue this ministry coaching team and mobilizing more workers for the harvest.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, March 2, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 10

      How Shall They Hear?

      Culture and intercultural communication of the gospel. Communicating the gospel with relevance at the worldview level helps avoid syncretism (blending of cultural error with God?s truth) and also enables powerful movements of the gospel. Sensitive missionaries will look for ways that God has preserved or prepared people to hear the gospel, often finding redemptive analogies for God's truth.

    • Instructor

      James Cha

      Crescent Project, Leesburg VA

      Rev. James Cha was born in Korea, but grew up here in the US. He studied electrical engineering at Cornell University, and worked ten years as an engineer. In 2000 he and his wife, Faith, took their 3 kids to Central Asia, where they served ten years as church planting missionaries with Pioneers. They are now back in the US reaching out to the Muslims in the Washington, DC area. James & Faith are Washington DC Area Coordinators for Crescent Project. They also direct ESL ministry in Leesburg, VA. They have three adult children and one grandchild. James recently published a book about their missions journey - Fear Not: Living a Life of No Regrets. Available on amazon.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, March 9, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 11

      Building Bridges of Love

      The incarnation as a model of missionary humility. How missionaries can enter appropriate roles in order to form relationships of trust and respect to develop a sense of belonging, and thus to communicate with credibility for understanding. Explore the intricacy of identification in another culture. Explore the even greater complexity of presenting identity with integrity in a globalized, terrorized, pluralized world. Recognizing the dynamics of social structure in order to initiate growing movements of ongoing communication throughout the society.

    • Instructor

      Jay Shifley

      OPEN USA, Ashland OH

      Jonathan Shifley is a Business as Mission (BAM) practitioner and instructor with over 17 years of overseas ministry experience in Muslim nations. He currently serves BAM Director for a large mission organization.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 12

      Christian Community Development

      A survey of world need. Dynamic balance of evangelism and social action. Hope for significant transformation as a sign of Christ's Lordship by Christian community development. Exploring the charge that missionaries destroy instead of serve cultures. Healing the wounds of the world between the peoples.

    • Instructor

      Scott Arnold

      Columbus OH

      Scott has been the Executive Director of Central Ohio Youth for Christ since 1997. Scott is a graduate of OSU with a B.A. in Psychology, and has an M.A. in Biblical studies from Ashland Seminary. He lives in west Columbus with his wife and two daughters. Scott is a sphere leader and ordained teaching pastor in Dwell Community Church where he has served in various leadership and teaching roles since 1985. He is on the national board of YFC/USA and is a member of the YFC/USA City Life team. Locally, he is chairman of the board of Family Comes First, and a founding member of the Mission Columbus Advisory Team and a member of the Franklinton Partnership Advisory Team.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 13

      The Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches

      Look beyond institutional features of churches to understand churches as dynamic movements of Christ Himself being followed. Such a view of churches as organic, living things opens up the practicality of seeing them multiply rapidly as movements and also flourish in society bearing the fruit of social transformation. Churches as counter-communities, acting as salt and light, bringing change to their cultures. How movements multiply by connecting with entire families and larger social structures.

    • Instructor

      Jim Leffel

      Xenos Christian Fellowship, Westerville OH

      Jim has been a part of Xenos since the 1970s and has served in many roles in the church from eldership to teaching classes. Jim has been one of the architects of the Global Partnerships and is passionate about all nations coming to Christ. He serves Global Partners by offering training to their leaders and visiting the fields regularly. He also meets with missionaries to offer strategic coaching. Jim and his wife Linda have been married for over 30 years and have two adult children. Jim is an active teacher at Xenos, and leads an adult home church with his wife.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 14

      Pioneer Church Planting

      The hope of planting churches among unreached peoples. How the breakthrough of the gospel in an unreached people requires that the gospel be "de-Westernized". The difference of contextualizing the message, the messenger and the movement. Distinguish and appreciate people movements, church planting movements and insider movements.

    • Instructor

      Jeff Johnson

      Frontiers, Gilbert AZ

      Jeff Johnson and his wife Roxanne have been working with Muslims since 1988. They have served on and led church-planting teams in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. They have witnessed firsthand the martyrdom of Muslim back-ground believers and fellow missionaries, birthed underground Christian fellowships in war torn countries, and seen the miraculous hand of God throughout the Muslim world. Jeff currently works in Frontiers' International Leadership group as Co-Director of Sending; overseeing 32 sending bases and engaging with indigenous sending partners and churches in the Global South and Majority World. After being arrested and deported from Uzbekistan, Jeff and his wife Roxanne split their time working with Frontiers International Office in London and in Phoenix, where they engage Frontiers' Latino Sending Bases. Jeff & Roxanne also coach and oversee church planting teams in South Asia. Jeff is a popular speaker and preacher at large, specializing in training followers of Jesus to engage Muslims both domestically and globally.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Lesson 15

      World Christian Discipleship

      What it means to integrate life for Christ's global purpose as a "'World Christian". Into the great story for His glory: a Person-driven life as a way of. pursuing a purpose-driven life. The basic practices of world Christians: going, sending, welcoming and mobilizing. The essential disciplines of World Christian discipleship: community, giving, praying and learning. Simplifying your lifestyle as if in "war-time". Exploring the practical ways of pursuing God's purpose. Business and mission. Short-term mission. Welcoming international visitors. Wisdom in working with local churches and in partnership with Christians in different parts of the world.

    • Instructor

      Richard Mendola

      International Friendships, Upper Arlington OH

      Rich was born in Buffalo, NY, the grandson of immigrants from Italy who settled in Western, NY. His mother and father were both raised in the Italian section of the city. Although he was raised in a religious family who attended church, he did not personally know Christ until he was 17 years old. Prior to that, the death of his father at age 13 triggered a search for meaning and truth. This eventually led to studying the Bible, where he discovered that the true purpose of life was to worship and serve God. Through reading the New Testament he learned that Jesus Christ made it possible to come to God because of His sacrificial death for sins. Immediately upon coming to know Jesus, Rich had the strong desire to let others know the good news. Rich attended Colgate University in New York State where he majored in Biology and minored in Education and Philosophy and Religion. After his graduation, he had the first opportunity to pastor and was called to serve a rural congregation . At the same time he served on the Dean’s staff at Colgate University as the Director of Housing. In addition, he studied for a Master’s degree in counseling. In 1979 Rich and Janet attended.the Urbana Mission Conference. There Rich sensed a call to full time cross-cultural ministry. In 1980 he began to work full-time with international students in Buffalo, NY. At the same time, Janet attended medical school at SUNY Buffalo. In 1987 they moved to Athens, Ohio to open a new ministry to international students while Janet fulfilled her obligation to the National Health Service Corp – a program placing physicians in shortage areas. In 1991, Rich and Janet moved to Columbus, Ohio to work with International Friendships. Since 1998 he has served as the Executive Director. He also leads Bible studies and does 1-1 discipleship with students. He has written several Bible studies for internationals. He has served as the Chairperson for the Association of Christians Ministering to Internationals. Rich has also helped to plant two churches. He currently serves as lead pastor for All Nations Christian Fellowship. During Rich’s 29 years of service among internationals hundreds have come to know Jesus and many have returned as effective witnesses of Jesus among their own people. The kingdom of God is advancing among Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheists because of the ministry to internationals. Jesus can share many wonderful and dramatic stories of God’s work among internationals. Rich is a regular speaker at missions conferences, evangelistic outreaches, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement and is a lecturer at Vineyard Leadership Institute. Rich and Janet have 6 children: Grace, Danielle, Hope, Philip, Melody, and Paul. Rich’s interests are: Evangelism, Discipleship, trips, chess, and hats. Rich’s spiritual gifts are leadership, exhortation, and evangelism.


    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, April 13, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Celebration

      Celebration Dinner


    • Instructor

      Andy Sieberhagen

      Heritage Christian Church, Westerville OH

      Andy Sieberhagen joined the pastoral staff of Heritage in June of 2009 as our Missions Pastor. Andy studied for four years at Baptist Theological College of South Africa, and he has served as a full-time student pastor and associate pastor at a Baptist church in South Africa. He spent 14 years doing church planting among muslims in Central Asia as well as working with Church planters in Africa. Andy is currently one of the lead Pastors at Heritage Christian Church .Andy brings a wealth of personal experience in overseas missions along with a big heart to reach the ends of the earth with the good news of Jesus! He and his wife, Lynn, have two beautiful daughters, Stephanie and Rebecca.

    • Class Info

      Date: Saturday, April 27, 2019

      Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

    • Class Info

      • Your Assignments

    • Class Info

      • Your Assignments

    • Class Info

      • Your Assignments

    • Class Info

      • Your Assignments

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