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Tulsa, OK // S22    Spring 2022
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***COVID-19 Notice: While we are currently planning for an in-person class, we are continually monitoring national, state, and local government guidelines for gatherings and will make adjustments as necessary based on those recommendations. In the event that these guidelines are not conducive to launching an in-person class, we will transition to a live virtual format until relevant restrictions are lifted.

15 Challenging Topics  |  15 World-Class Instructors  |  15 Life-Changing Weeks

God has a "world-sized" role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes this course valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any Christian.

Perspectives is a discipleship course that takes you through the Bible, back in time, and across the globe. A fantastic array of pastors, theologians, missiologists and mobilizers will challenge and inspire you as they help bring the course content to life with their personal experiences and expertise. You will join a community of believers as you journey together toward better understanding who God is, what He is doing, and your role within that. Whether you are single, married, a student, a homemaker, a professional or retired, Perspectives will encourage and challenge you to live on purpose, with purpose.  

Still not sure? Grab a friend and visit the first class for FREE!

Class Info

Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Location: Evergreen Church 10301 E. 111th St S Bixby / Tulsa OK 74008

Contact: Linda Hays


    • Instructor

    • Lesson 1

      The Living God is a Missionary God

      God's purpose is three-fold: against evil—kingdom victory; for the nations—redemption and blessing; and for God—global glory in worship. God's purpose revealed in promise to Abraham. Exploring God's purpose for the nations: Blessing to the nations described.

    • Instructor

      Len Bartlotti

      Frontiers, Springfield MO

      Leonard N. (Len) Bartlotti, Ph.D. is a well-known speaker, author, mobilizer, educator and strategy consultant to faith-based organizations in the Middle East/Asia. He and his wife Debi served 14 years among one of the world's largest Muslim people groups. Dr. Len is a passionate communicator who combines a love for students with deep empathy and understanding of other cultures. He and his wife Debi, a nurse midwife and licensed Spiritual Director, have been married for over 45 years, and have three married adult children, and six grandsons, and live in Springfield, Missouri.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 2

      The Story of His Glory

      Exploring God's purpose for Himself: How God has been steadily unfolding a plan throughout all nations and generations to bring about His greater glory, ultimately drawing to Himself the worship of all the peoples. Passion and prayer for God's glory.

    • Instructor

      Jeff Lewis

      Thirteen~FiftyTwo, Rome GA

      Present Ministry: Founder/Director of Thirteen~FiftyTwo Ministry highlights: California Baptist University, Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies for 18 years & Director of Mobilization for 4 years. *Mobilizing & disciple making ministries for 36 years *Assisted with indigenous mobilization leadership training and mobilization consultation with mission personnel in over 30 countries *Planted and pastored two churches *Instructor/trainer for Perspectives Global Desk *Co-founder & Co-Director of Passion Conferences 1996-2000 *Author of God's Heart for the Nations, Christ Love Compels Me, and Calling: A Scriptural Journey. *Missions Leadership with three Boards of the Southern Baptist Convention for 14+ years *College swimming coach at the University of TN & Lock Haven State University Married to Elaine McClary, for 49 years. We have seven children and 20 grand children, so far.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 3

      Your Kingdom Come

      Exploring God's purpose regarding evil: How God has accomplished a defeat of evil powers in order to open a season of history in which the nations can freely follow Christ. The kingdom of God as the destiny of all history. Christ's mission seeks a hindering of evil to bring about a sign of the coming peace of the kingdom of God. Our prayers contend with evil in order to bring about the transformation of society with Christ's kingdom in view.

    • Instructor

      Eric Costanzo

      South Tulsa Baptist, Bixby OK

      Eric Costanzo (PhD) is lead pastor of South Tulsa Baptist Church and who also writes and speaks about cultural and global issues affecting the Church. Eric is also executive chair for, an organization with initiatives to help marginalized people become full participants in their communities. He is co-author of Inalienable: How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church (IVP, 2022), and author of Harbor for the Poor (Wipf and Stock, 2013). Eric and his wife Rebecca have four children who have wonderfully compassionate hearts for others.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 4

      Mandate for the Nations

      Jesus shows great strategic interest in Gentiles; wise strategic focus by initiating a global mission on a few disciples among the Hebrew people. The Great Commission and the ways of God's sending in relational power. Dealing with the ideas of pluralism (all religions the same) and universalism (all persons saved).

    • Instructor

      Justin Schell

      Union, Tulsa OK

      Justin is passionate about doing whatever he can to see the Great Commission fulfilled. He mobilized with The Traveling Team for 5 years. He studied missiology and global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and global leadership and business at EDHEC Business School in Nice, France. He has been a part of a church planting team in North Africa. He is the US Director for Union, a ministry based in the UK training leaders for the Church throughout the world. He also serves as the Director of Executive Projects for The Lausanne Movement, creating and catalyzing initiatives to accelerate the completion of the Great Commission. Areas of interest/expertise include Reaching Muslims, Church Planting, Global Christianity, Biblical Theology, the Local Church engaging in mission, Global Partnership, Theological Education, Business as Mission, and Mobilization. He is husband of Megan and papa of Henry and Evie.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 5

      Unleashing the Gospel

      The first followers of Jesus: obedient in costly, foundational ways. The climactic act of the book of Acts is the freeing of the gospel to be followed by Gentiles without Jewish traditions as a requirement. A foundational act of God which speaks to the situations where the gospel is hindered today. Strategic suffering and apostolic passion.

    • Instructor

      Russell Kyzar

      Jackson TN

      Russell was a missionary for 28 years with the International Mission Board, SBC in Costa Rica, Russia, Cuba, and Czech Rep. He was involved in church planting, leadership training, strategy development, and field supervision. He retired with his wife, Melinda, to Jackson, TN. in 2020.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 6

      The Expansion of the Christian Movement

      The story of God's purpose continues relentlessly from Abraham's day until the present moment. An overview of the largest and the longest-running movement ever in history—the world Christian movement. How the gospel surged through the peoples and places of the world. Important insights for our own day.

    • Instructor

      Yvonne Huneycutt

      Perspectives Global, Round Rock TX

      Yvonne from Austin, Texas loves mobilizing Christians and entire churches to find and engage their God-designed role for participation in the completion of the Great Commission. Currently on staff with Perspectives Global, Yvonne's varied career experience includes the corporate world, local church ministry, mission ministry, and managing a non-profit organization. She has worked with the Perspectives movement for over 25 years both nationally and internationally. Her overseas field experience includes one year in Russia and travel in 40 nations. She holds a Doctor of Ministry in Missions and Cross-Cultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 7

      Eras of Mission History

      The greatest explosion of growth ever has taken place in last 200 years in three "bursts" of activity. Why we could be in the final era of missions. The global harvest force comprised increasingly of non-Western missionaries.

    • Instructor

      Kerri White

      Perspectives Alumni, Church Lay Leader, Edmond OK

      Dr. Kerri White is a deacon and lay church leader at Bridgeway Church, and 20+ year veteran educator, currently working at the University of Oklahoma. She volunteers as secretary on the board of Anchor Ministries for young adults in the Oklahoma City metro area. Kerri believes in continuous learning and growth in all areas of life, including Christian discipleship. She first took perspectives in 2017 and has served as co-coordinator, class facilitator, mentor, and instructor.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 6:00 PM

    • Lesson 8

      Pioneers of the World Christian Movement

      Today we anchor the race by continuing what others have begun. It's a day of finishing. All the more reason to learn the wisdom and the heart of ordinary people who did extraordinary things in earlier generations. Reading the writings of William Carey and other leaders to discern what these people have left to us. Exploring the contribution of women in missions throughout the centuries.

    • Instructor

      Amy Law

      Cody WY

      Amy has a passion to mobilize young people and churches to pray, give and go to foster disciple making movements among unreached people groups. She has served with Youth with a Mission (YWAM), Caleb Project, Teen Mania, La Canada Presbyterian church and supervised over 40 Perspectives courses. Leading youth teams to Yemen, India, Turkey, Malaysia, China and Thailand has helped her training remain practical and reproducible, as she continues to train young people in YWAM and churches in Perspectives. Amy and her husband raise cattle in Wyoming and home educate one son, while their other son attends high school.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 9

      The Task Remaining

      God's pressed His purpose forward until the present hour of amazing opportunity. Understanding the concept of "unreached peoples" to assess the remaining task. Recognizing the imbalance of mission resources shapes strategic priorities. The basic minimal missiological achievement in every people group opens the way for working with God against every kind of evil so that the gospel of the kingdom is declared and displayed with clarity and power. The need and opportunity of urban mission.

    • Instructor

      Joe G

      PIONEERS, Orlando FL

      Joe has been with Pioneers for 18 years. Previously, he spent 5 years on staff with the Traveling Team sharing the Biblical Basis of Missions and mobilizing college students. He and his wife Sarah served on church planting teams in Central Asia in and out of country from 2002-2012. He currently serves as the VP of Mission Engagement for Pioneers USA. Joe, Sarah and their sons Ezra and Eli live in Orlando.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 10

      How Shall They Hear?

      Culture and intercultural communication of the gospel. Communicating the gospel with relevance at the worldview level helps avoid syncretism (blending of cultural error with God?s truth) and also enables powerful movements of the gospel. Sensitive missionaries will look for ways that God has preserved or prepared people to hear the gospel, often finding redemptive analogies for God's truth.

    • Instructor

      Pam Arlund

      All Nations, Kansas City MO

      Pam is currently the Co-Editor of Perspectives 5th Edition and a member of All Nations. She lived in Central Asia for ten years, where she planted churches among three people groups, two of whom are Muslim. She earned an MA and PhD in Linguistics (i.e. Bible Translation) from the University of Texas at Arlington. She has published numerous books and articles in missions. She is most well known as “The Stick Figure Lady” for her popular book “Stick Figures Save the World.”


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 11

      Building Bridges of Love

      The incarnation as a model of missionary humility. How missionaries can enter appropriate roles in order to form relationships of trust and respect to develop a sense of belonging, and thus to communicate with credibility for understanding. Explore the intricacy of identification in another culture. Explore the even greater complexity of presenting identity with integrity in a globalized, terrorized, pluralized world. Recognizing the dynamics of social structure in order to initiate growing movements of ongoing communication throughout the society.

    • Instructor

      Dennis Cochrane

      Lexington SC

      Dennis and his wife Nancy served as linguists and Bible translators among the 20,000 Duna people of Papua New Guinea. After devising an alphabet for this previously unwritten language they produced primers and readers, teaching many to read their own language. They then translated the first portions of God's Word into the Duna language. Several thousand Duna came to faith in Christ and today there are many churches among these people.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 12

      Christian Community Development

      A survey of world need. Dynamic balance of evangelism and social action. Hope for significant transformation as a sign of Christ's Lordship by Christian community development. Exploring the charge that missionaries destroy instead of serve cultures. Healing the wounds of the world between the peoples.

    • Instructor

      Vicky Warren

      MissionNext, Mena AR

      Vicky spent 33 years working in innovative and creative environments from multimillion dollar technology deployments, alliances with technical luminaries such as Steve Jobs, Nicholas Negroponte's MIT media lab, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and The Walt Disney Studios to entrepreneurial startup businesses. Her primary focus in these organizations included leadership and business development, strategic planning, research and development, innovation and creativity. She became "known" in these organizations for her heart for the Gospel through her daily walk in these high paced and demanding environments. Her passion for Christ took her on a 30-year journey of adventure as she walked on burning coals, assisted with eye clinics in Mexico, participated in medical relief efforts in Bolivia, planted pioneer businesses in Asia and Africa, came face to face with the persecuted church in Orissa, and served widows in the rainforest of Panama. Now she is committed full time to taking the Gospel to the nations through Pioneer Business Planting, building Kingdom businesses, and gobalization!


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 13

      The Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches

      Look beyond institutional features of churches to understand churches as dynamic movements of Christ Himself being followed. Such a view of churches as organic, living things opens up the practicality of seeing them multiply rapidly as movements and also flourish in society bearing the fruit of social transformation. Churches as counter-communities, acting as salt and light, bringing change to their cultures. How movements multiply by connecting with entire families and larger social structures.

    • Instructor

      Kevin King

      International Project, New York NY

      Kevin King is the President of International Project, an organization that focuses on church planting among unreached people groups in ethnic communities and on campus. He launched the Equip program, which focuses on training cross-cultural church planters who will start simple multiplying churches. Kevin’s vision is to see a movement of churches started among unreached people groups starting with diaspora communities here and spreading to least evangelized countries. You can learn more about their ministry at


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, April 19, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 14

      Pioneer Church Planting

      The hope of planting churches among unreached peoples. How the breakthrough of the gospel in an unreached people requires that the gospel be "de-Westernized". The difference of contextualizing the message, the messenger and the movement. Distinguish and appreciate people movements, church planting movements and insider movements.

    • Instructor

      John Weaver

      YWAM, Lindale TX

      Since experiencing PSP in the early 90's, John has been praying for the nations, mobilizing believers, and sharing God's Love with Muslims. In 1998, after earning a MA, John joined a pioneer church planting team in Central Asia. He met his bride-to-be there and they had a Christ-centered wedding in 2005 surrounded by hundreds of curious Muslims. By God’s grace, they've seen some fruit and also birthed five children. John continues to facilitate disciple-making among Muslims. He is the author of Inside Afghanistan, A Flame on the Front Line and Najiba: A Love Story from Afghanistan.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Lesson 15

      World Christian Discipleship

      What it means to integrate life for Christ's global purpose as a "'World Christian". Into the great story for His glory: a Person-driven life as a way of. pursuing a purpose-driven life. The basic practices of world Christians: going, sending, welcoming and mobilizing. The essential disciplines of World Christian discipleship: community, giving, praying and learning. Simplifying your lifestyle as if in "war-time". Exploring the practical ways of pursuing God's purpose. Business and mission. Short-term mission. Welcoming international visitors. Wisdom in working with local churches and in partnership with Christians in different parts of the world.

    • Instructor

      Bryan Padgett

      Redeemer Stillwater, Stillwater OK

      Bryan has served in mission mobilization for over 10 years with ministries such as The Traveling Team, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, Frontiers, Avant and more recently as missions pastor at Redeemer Church in Lubbock, TX. He and his wife are currently planting a church in Stillwater, OK. They hope to plant a church that would intentionally develop and send many church planting teams out among unreached and unengaged people groups. If there was one verse that drives what he does, it would Habakkuk 2:14 which states, "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as water cover the seas." He is married to Abbey and has four kids - Judson, Lydia, Isobel and Hazel.


    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Celebration


    • Instructor

    • Class Info

      Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2022

      Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    • Class Info

      • Your Assignments

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      • Your Assignments

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